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Paris Sportif Gagnant
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Bonjour tout le monde,

J'ai décidé de créer ce groupe pour partager mon expérience
des Paris sportif en tennis avec vous.
Je suis un grand fan de tennis et je m'en sors très bien
lorsqu'il s'agit des pronostic mais bien sur le risque 0% n'existe pas c'est ça la beauté des paris.

N'hésitez pas à venir sur le groupe pour passer
de bon moment et bien sur :

Vive la Money €€€€
çax 13
Gros-Taga joined the group
şnb 22
Gautier Mtt left the group
çax 11
Nab08000 left the group
çər 29
Alessandro R. joined the group
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Martinsze33390 joined the group
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wstindiz joined the group
çax 7
Stanpaprika joined the group
şnb 20
JujuChallenger left the group
ber 8
Majstore joined the group
ber 1
hart07 joined the group
cax 28
RussWest 83 joined the group
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rafaelmejor joined the group
cax 7
Bobs94 joined the group
çax 5
jean louis petiteau joined the group
çax 13
Chris Ciatto joined the group
ber 12
Zenigame left the group
ber 8
CEDHAK joined the group
cax 30
bibi69 joined the group
çər 18
Walid336 left the group
cüm 8
Abdellah Benrahmoun left the group
çər 9
user1873856 left the group
ber 7
RussWest 83 left the group
ber 10
Frank10 left the group
ber 26
Serge BY left the group
çax 20
user1268696 left the group
cüm 16
PierreRuidant left the group
cax 15
PierreRuidant left the group
cax 15
PierreRuidant left the group
çər 14
PierreRuidant left the group
ber 12
Camille B. left the group
cax 1
Mat2110 left the group
çər 31
bureaumaxence left the group
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PierreRuidant left the group
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momohenni left the group
çax 25
Mb60 left the group
cüm 21
Luc Lemoine left the group
cax 6
Sirin left the group
baz 5
Papahuitre left the group
çər 25
Dimitroff left the group
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RussWest 83 left the group
baz 13
2euros left the group
şnb 5
Nosma left the group
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zverevbestplayer left the group
çər 17
SanGohan left the group
ber 15
dakypro left the group
çax 26
LeSage left the group
çər 20
Tibo5221 left the group
çər 20
JustTennis left the group
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Tisba left the group
çax 14
thib left the group
They are in the group